var mergeKLists = function(lists) {
// create a min heap with value of first element of each list
// bubble down from the last element to heapify
// top of the heap to result list
// take next element from that list, add it to top of heap. if it's the end of that list, value to add is infinity
// sink down
// repeat 2, 4 until top of heap value is infinity
// nlog(k) - n elements to look at, log(k) sink down operations
// children: L, R: 2*n+1, 2*n+2
// parent: Math.floor((n-1)/2)
class Node {
constructor(val, next) {
this.val = val; = next;
if (lists.length == 0) return null
let heap = [];
for (let i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
if (lists[i] != null) heap.push(lists[i]);
if (heap.length == 0) return null
let finalList = new Node(0, null);
let head = finalList;
while(true) {
let temp = heap[0];
let tempFinalList = finalList; = temp;
finalList =;
heap[0] = heap[0].next;
if (heap[0] == null) {
heap[0] = new Node(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, null)
bubbleDown(heap, 0)
if (heap[0].val == Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) break;
function heapify(heap) {
// bubble down from the bottom!!!!
for (let i = heap.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
bubbleDown(heap, i)
function bubbleDown(heap, index) {
let parent = index
let childLeft = index * 2 + 1
let childRight = index * 2 + 2
while(true) {
if (heap[childLeft] && heap[childRight]) {
if (heap[childLeft].val < heap[parent].val && heap[childLeft].val < heap[childRight].val) {
swap(heap, childLeft, parent)
parent = childLeft;
childLeft = parent * 2 + 1
childRight = parent * 2 + 2
} else if (heap[childRight].val < heap[parent].val) {
swap(heap, childRight, parent)
parent = childRight;
childLeft = parent * 2 + 1
childRight = parent * 2 + 2
} else {
} else {
if (heap[childLeft] && heap[childLeft].val < heap[parent].val) {
swap(heap, childLeft, parent)
parent = childLeft;
childLeft = parent * 2 + 1
childRight = parent * 2 + 2
} else if (heap[childRight] && heap[childRight].val < heap[parent].val) {
swap(heap, childRight, parent)
parent = childRight
childLeft = parent * 2 + 1
childRight = parent * 2 + 2
} else {
function swap(heap, idxA, idxB) {
let temp = heap[idxA];
heap[idxA] = heap[idxB];
heap[idxB] = temp;